There is something to be learned by reflecting on the simple expression “not here.” Notice how the words in “not here” function. The first word, “not,” needs the second word in order to be meaningful. The second word did not have to be “here,” but it had to be something, because the “not” is always […]
You can’t tell, when you look at me looking at something, what it is that I am noticing. Even if you could list all the material features of my sensory field, you wouldn’t know whether I’m noticing the cup, or the room, or the fact that I’m in a city, or the unpleasant manner of […]
There are many essential aspects of human life that are inherently non-individual, that is, aspects of life that individuals depend upon but that no individual alone could ever define, create or maintain. Language is one of most obvious examples of this: minimally, language must be something adopted and developed by at least two people acting […]
We are constantly describing. “I’m nervous about the interview” or “He’s such a funny guy” or “You have to pick that up.” Our days are filled up with talking, or listening to others talk or reading what others have written, and all of these activities of language are basically matters of description. In many situations, […]